
Build a healthy lifestyle with Hack Your Gut

A healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy and healthy life. But what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and how do you get there from where you are? Well, that’s our goal at Hack Your Gut, to get you there!

Here at Hack Your Gut, we have a simple motto: Live Healthy, Be Happy. Our purpose is to help people cultivate both health and happiness by living a lifestyle that creates both. If you want access to the most cutting edge information on implementing lifestyle that promotes gut health, overall health, and longevity, check out our blog.

The power of a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated when it comes to health and happiness. Look no further than our blogs to learn why lifestyle is so important to health and the many ways lifestyle impacts the way your body works.

But what’s with the name? What relevance does gut health have to overall health? The crib notes version is that our gut is a critical interface between our internal systems and the environment. And since it interfaces with all major organs and tissues in the body, poor gut health affects all aspects of our health.

If you’re looking for more information on this, we started a podcast to help you understand how gut health impacts overall health. We recommend you start on episode 1 and work your way through. But, you can also check out episode 9 which covers how gut health impacts healthy aging.

HYG Podcast Episode 1: Introduction and what we’ll cover

HYG Podcast Episode 9: Powerful ways a leaky gut ages you faster

You can also subscribe to the podcast on the links below:

Build a healthy lifestyle with Hack Your Gut

Healthy Lifestyle Basics

So what factors are most important for building a healthy lifestyle? Well, just take a gander at the list below. To help you in your journey, we’ve curated a list of our top blogs on these topics. So just click each topic and get your learn on…

If you want to check out the particulars of my lifestyle, click to hear the podcast here. (My diet podcast)

There are many ways to manipulate these factors to build a healthy lifestyle that works for you. For example, many different diets and types of exercise are compatible with a healthy lifestyle. And I’ve tried most of them, finally settling on a vegetable heavy omnivorous diet with meal timing and scheduling that fits my lifestyle. But I didn’t get there by flying blindly.

What’s most important is to find things that work for you on an individual basis and measure how you respond. We regularly use the Fitbit Charge and HRV4Training to measure progress. Other options include the Oura Ring and Whoop bracelet.

We cover a variety of topics on our blog, so head on over there and read recent posts, or search for a topic of your choosing.

Our Healthy Lifestyle Programs & Testimonials

We offer a few different programs to help you build your healthy lifestyle. They include:

The Ultimate Gut Health Bundle

The Circadian Retraining Program

The Stop Leaky Gut Challenge

On top of this, we have other smaller programs as well as health coaching options you can purchase in the shop. Head on over to the shop and see!

Forums and Free Courses

We also have a couple of free courses you can take to learn ways to improve your health. Head on over to the courses section to check that out. If you’re looking to jumpstart your gut health, we highly recommend our 3 Common Causes of Leaky Gut course to learn the basics.

Finally, our newest section, the forums, are for discussing blogs, new research, and general discussion on lifestyle and the gut. You can head on over there and read some of the stickies, start a discussion, or ask some questions. This area is still under construction.


How to stay in touch

If you’d like to stay in touch with our doings, receive subscriber-only emails with tips and special offers, or just be part of our community, sign up for our email list.

We also share a lot of new research and helpful tips on our social media accounts. Be sure to follow us for discussion on cutting edge science and how to use it to improve your quality of life.

We hope you enjoy all that we have to offer. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for how we can improve, send us an email and we’ll get back to you ASAP.