Eliminate this common exposure to prevent or reduce Candida overgrowth

Candida albicans is one of the most common culprits in fungal overgrowth in immuno-compromised humans.  Many people believe they have an overgrowth of the opportunistic fungus that typically resides as a commensal yeast in the mouth and take to restrictive diets in the hopes to of eliminating the fungal form.  Turns out that may not … Continue reading Eliminate this common exposure to prevent or reduce Candida overgrowth

Using circadian rhythms to optimize athletic performance: What you need to know

Image source One thing every serious athlete looks for is an edge over their competition.  Whether it be a high school wrestler looking to win a state championship, a triathlete training for a race, or a professional football player looking to dominate the league and set records, they're all looking for that little something that … Continue reading Using circadian rhythms to optimize athletic performance: What you need to know

Further evidence the gut may be involved in Parkinson’s disease

A number of studies have linked Parkinson's disease with issues arising in the gut.  While we don't know the direction of causality, if the gut changes the brain or vice versa, a small amount of evidence indicates that the changes may be initiated in the gut. A study published yesterday indicates that one of the … Continue reading Further evidence the gut may be involved in Parkinson’s disease

Knowing this may help prevent Alzheimer’s…and potentially reverse it

While I've never personally watched a loved one develop and succumb to Alzheimer's disease, the devastation it leaves on individuals and families is obvious.  I can't imagine not being able to remember recent events, forgetting who my child is, and losing executive functions to the point of death.  Even worse is the fact that it's … Continue reading Knowing this may help prevent Alzheimer’s…and potentially reverse it

Fasting, longevity, and telomeres: The regenerating effects of prolonged fasting

Some of you may recall the recent blog I did going over my aging biomarkers.  If you didn't read it, you can catch it right here.  Towards the end of the blog, I discussed that one of the reasons my telomere test showed much better results than my DNA methylation test is that I fasted … Continue reading Fasting, longevity, and telomeres: The regenerating effects of prolonged fasting