
Welcome to our Testimonials page, where you’ll learn all about how people thrive on our programs!!!

People are blown away by the improvements they see with our programs. From improved digestion, to better sleep and greater energy through the day, our programs greatly improve your quality of life.

Our Program Testimonials

We currently have 3 major programs as well as a several smaller programs you can check out in the shop.

But you’re probably wondering about how people do in our programs. So we compiled some testimonials for users along with a comprehensive description of each program so you can learn all about what we offer.

Our first program offering is the Circadian Retraining Program. We released the CRP in spring of 2017 and it has grown by leaps and bounds. Originally a 4 hour program focusing on light, feeding, and exercise, it is now over 24 hours and covers all aspects of circadian rhythms. Check out the Circadian Retraining Program and testimonials here:

Or second program is the Stop Leaky Gut Challenge, a program focused on restoring gut health and reversing leaky gut. It’s an 18 point plan to teach you all about how behavior regulates gut health.

You can check out the Stop Leaky Gut Challenge along with testimonials here:

Our most recent program offering is The Ultimate Gut Health Bundle, just released last week. It’s a 12 week run through the Stop Leaky Gut Challenge followed by the Circadian Retraining Program. It also includes some gut specific modules on reintroducing foods and oxalates. You can check that our here:

Health Coaching

We also offer health coaching to help you implement effective lifestyle change to improve your overall health and well-being. We have Phone/Skype health coaching as well as online health coaching using email and messenger to help you achieve your goals.

We’re also testing a hybrid version using both phone and email which is available soon. Check out our health coaching options in the shop.