Time to stop treating SIBO like an infection and more like an injury

During the lightning round in the recent interview I did with Graeme Jones, CEO and clinical physiologist from Nordic Clinics in Stockholm, his response when I said,  "SIBO" was, "Migrating motor complex".  That people with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, have an impaired migrating motor complex(MMC) isn't exactly revolutionary thinking, we've known this for … Continue reading Time to stop treating SIBO like an infection and more like an injury

Interview with Graeme Jones, CEO and clinical physiologist at Nordic Clinics in Stockholm

Hello folks, today I have quite a treat for you.  I recently sat down with Graeme Jones, clinical physiologist and CEO of Nordic Clinics in Stockholm, Sweden.  Graeme first came on my radar a couple of years ago; he also follows the blog and is a member of the Circadian Retraining Program.  We've had numerous … Continue reading Interview with Graeme Jones, CEO and clinical physiologist at Nordic Clinics in Stockholm

Mast cell activation improving with circadian optimization

Mast cell activation syndrome(MCAS) is a condition where mast cells release histamine and other inflammatory mediators that cause allergic-type reactions in the body. As a results, people begin experiencing allergic-type reactions when they consume foods high in histamine or its precursors. Many people dealing with chronic mast cell activation spend a loooooooong time trying to … Continue reading Mast cell activation improving with circadian optimization

Chronic fatigue syndrome gone with circadian optimization

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(ME/CFS) is a disorder defined by a cluster of symptoms with no known medical cause.  This cluster of symptoms always includes fatigue and exercise intolerance, but may also include digestive abnormalities, sleep problems, and pain.  As of 2015, it's believed that between 836,00-2.5 million people suffer from ME/CFS. Unfortunately, there is no cure … Continue reading Chronic fatigue syndrome gone with circadian optimization