Hacking your gut: Transforming your microbiome with minimal dietary change

Disclaimer:  It's important to realize, despite what you read everywhere, what we know about the microbiome isn't that substantial.  We don't know that changing the microbiome improves health, we just know that when bad health pops up there are distinct differences in the microbiome.  A "bad" microbiome could lead to bad health, or bad health … Continue reading Hacking your gut: Transforming your microbiome with minimal dietary change

Trying to seal a leaky gut? Activate the Pregnane X Receptor for relief

This blog is my second in a 3 part series of important factors that regulate gut health.  In a previous blog, I covered how intestinal alkaline phosphatase(IAP) plays a role in regulating the gut.  If you didn't get a chance to check that one out, you can do so here.  Anywho, back to the show. … Continue reading Trying to seal a leaky gut? Activate the Pregnane X Receptor for relief

Hacking methylation: 2 key nutrients to support the methylation cycle

Taken from: http://geneticgenie.org/blog/2013/10/21/acetylcholine-deficiency-in-chronic... Finding out that you have an MTHFR polymorphism drives most people crazy.  Normally it's something you know nothing about until you begin to experience poor health and start digging and digging until you end up on 23andme. Granted, a polymorphism in this gene can be problematic.  But most people look at it … Continue reading Hacking methylation: 2 key nutrients to support the methylation cycle

Got gut inflammation? Alkaline phosphatase may fix the problem

If you're dealing with gastrointestinal issues, you've been through the ringer with different doctors and treatments. You've also scoured the internet and books looking for information that may help you get relief from your symptoms.  You know what leaky gut, the microbiome, and motility are, but do you know them well enough to do anything?  … Continue reading Got gut inflammation? Alkaline phosphatase may fix the problem

The dangerous molecule in your gut that causes chronic inflammation

Your gut is home to thousands of different species of bacteria that number in the trillions.  Many of these microbes are your friends.  They help you: Digest and absorb nutrients Optimize your immune system Synthesize nutrients you can't Regulate your mood and behavior. On the other end are your enemies.  They make you sick, anxious, … Continue reading The dangerous molecule in your gut that causes chronic inflammation

Amazingly simple ways to get the benefits of bilirubin

In my blog last week I went over how bilirubin pays a pivotal role in your antioxidant defense system.  While glutathione was crowned champion of the antioxidants, bilirubin sat there completely alone and destitute.  Current research is flipping this notion on its head. If you didn't catch the last blog, take a peep here.  For … Continue reading Amazingly simple ways to get the benefits of bilirubin

The many important ways vitamin A optimizes gut health

There are a number of core processes going on in your gut that help maintain healthy digestion.  For the most part, you're completely unaware that these processes are plugging along until something goes wrong.  Once these processes go awry, havoc ensues.  Rampant inflammation, altered motility, sluggish detoxification, and leaky gut quickly transform your healthy gut … Continue reading The many important ways vitamin A optimizes gut health

The most important thing to know if you have IBS…

Summary: The enterohepatic circulation is a recycling loop for bile and nutrients between the liver and digestive tract that's responsible for several important functions.  These functions include microbial defense, maintaining intestinal barrier integrity, setting the microbiome, optimizing detoxification, inhibiting inflammation, promoting fat and fat soluble nutrient uptake, and the regulation of glucose and lipid homeostasis … Continue reading The most important thing to know if you have IBS…

Could this diet and supplement combo help cure SIBO, IBS & IBD?

Disclaimer: Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before undertaking any therapeutic intervention.  I'm simply laying out the science, not prescribing anything to you.  Besides, I just met ya'll. In my last blog I went over some really compelling research identifying a key link between adrenal fatigue, SIBO/IBS, and IBD.  That key link ,the inflammasome, … Continue reading Could this diet and supplement combo help cure SIBO, IBS & IBD?