H. Pylori gastritis? New research says avoid this nutrient but get these…

Taken from: http://www.healthyfoodvision.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/gastritis.jpg One thing that's particularly frustrating about gut disorders is the individuality of it all.  If you look at 2 people with the same gut disorder you can see a completely different set of food and nutrient intolerances.  This is why an individual approach is heads and shoulders above the rest. Another big … Continue reading H. Pylori gastritis? New research says avoid this nutrient but get these…

10 reasons why a healthy gut absolutely needs grass-fed beef

https://www.jerkysgourmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/GrassfedBeef1.jpg Taken from: https://www.jerkysgourmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/GrassfedBeef1.jpg The benefits of grass-fed over conventional beef are touted everywhere.  Most of the health benefits of grass-fed beef center around: Increased Omega-3 fatty acid content Increased conjugated linoleic acid content(CLA) Increased antioxidant content Increased vitamin K2 content What seems to be missing from this conversation is the benefits of grass-fed beef … Continue reading 10 reasons why a healthy gut absolutely needs grass-fed beef

Creatine & thiamine: a powerful combo for fatigue and slow motility

In previous blogs I've gone over using creatine and thiamine for gut health.  As I've seen the discussion evolve on the private facebook group, it's clear that I need to discuss how they play a role in gut health.  If you're interested in the group, you can request to join here. There are a few … Continue reading Creatine & thiamine: a powerful combo for fatigue and slow motility