Stop Leaky Gut Challenge: Round 2

As some of you may know, I began a 12 week Stop Leaky Gut Challenge with some members of my the Circadian Retraining Program on January 1, 2019.  After completing 4 weeks, we’ve seen some pretty amazing results.  People are gaining their energy back, their overall health and well-being is increasing by leaps and bounds, sleep is getting better, and digestion and gut health are improving.

All this, simply by changing their behavior throughout the day.  No expensive supplements or food restrictions required.  We’re simply properly laying out the circadian exposures that help optimize digestion and giving it time.  Just 1/3 of the way in and people are seeing some fantastic results.  Here are just some of the things people are saying after 4 weeks:

“As you know, I had the epiphany …which I never would have realized without this program…So I am fixing that. But here is something else. REM sleep is improving. My last 7 days: 2:30; 2:05; 1:30; 2:21; 2:01; 2.00; 2:53. The last 11 days of 2018: 1:39; :46; 1:44; 1:32; 2:07; 1:44; 1:28; 1:41; 1:58; 2:18; 1:46.”

-D.H., woman dealing with mitochondrial dysfunction

And if better sleep and feeling better aren’t enough, let’s take a look at how rapidly her resting heart rate has dropped since starting the program January 1st, a clear indication her autonomic nervous system is working better.

dh rhr

And this isn’t a 1 person trend, this is the norm:

JS HR.png
ac hr

And check out the above’s improvement in heart rate variability, a measure of the autonomic nervous system that helps regulate the gut and digestion.  A 25% improvement over the last week compared to the 30 day average:

ac hrv

Numbers are great and all, but what are people saying about how they feel?

“Digestion is slowly changing (I’m assuming for the better) baseline HRV isn’t as sporadic as it was, and my mood and motivation to get things done has been amplified a ton.

I’ve been having chronic “IBS-D” problems for about a year and a half, and I’ve been able to add in a ton more foods without making my problems any worse. Just by implementing everything in the Stop Leaky Gut Challenge. My girlfriend and I even went out to eat for the first time in 9 months last night, also without making things worse…

I’m able to eat what I want again without worrying if I’m “sensitive”, and I don’t rely on thousands of dollars worth of supplements just because someone told me that I need them…

I can tell that my attitude has shifted to more positive, my loose stools seem to be more predictable, and I’m actually having a good streak of solid stools for the past two weeks (knock on wood it stays that way)…This is also the first winter in my life that I haven’t felt crappy all the time and I seem to be tolerating cold really well most days.

-B.P.- Male CRP member suffering from IBS

So far, so good. I started easing into it at the beginning of December, and really stuck to it over my holiday break from work. I felt great at that time with improved energy and mood. Going back to work on 1/2 led to a bit of a regression in terms of energy, but that’s to be expected. Also, my legs have pulsed (strange, involuntary muscle movement that’s always kinda there, and turns into night cramps when I don’t take enough potassium) since 2014, and that seems to have subsided dramatically, which I attribute to my electrolytes balancing! 🤞🏽. I scored a 380 last week, which seems fine to me…The program isn’t that hard to follow. I mostly had to tweak stuff I was already doing.  I’m a night owl by nature living in a day-person’s world 4 days per week, and I really like to stay up later and sleep in a bit on my days off. But I’m adjusting, and hopefully, it’ll be worth it! I really enjoy reading everyone’s posts so much thanks to all the challengers for that!”

-K.V.-Female CRP Member, IBS and related symptoms for 5 years

My husband, who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, has been doing the challenge with me. He is seeing improvements in his digestion. He also felt like his energy was increasing until the bad weather cut down his walking.

-Husband of CRP member with CFS

I started the challenge about a week late but in the 2.5 weeks since I’ve started, I’ve noticed improvements in digestion and overall energy…I was already doing many of the daily tasks before I started the challenge but not as consistently as I am now.

-K.P., Male CRP Member

It’s pretty amazing what can happen when a good plan comes together and you stick to it.  I know it can be frustrating when you’re just starting to change your lifestyle.  Success can seem so far away, especially when your body is fighting you along the way.  That’s why it’s important to have someone there to help guide you along the way, aka me.  Just look at this complete turnaround:

On day 3:

“…but I’m really struggling with hunger (again, breastfeeding mom struggling to keep weight) and have heard that hunger can trigger stress hormones making body functions worse in the long run. I’m also in the midst of a high stress time in my life – could some of this not be appropriate for me? Hunger worst at night after dinner, and between breakfast and lunch.”

-C.A,-Breastfeeding mother

After some words of wisdom and support…On day 26:

I just got the best night of sleep I’ve had in months. I think my stress hormones are finally starting to come down, and I’m actually tired at night.

Who knew that I didn’t need a bunch of supplements and doctors to start feeling better? Digestion has been better also.

I’m just in general less overreactive to everything, and actually moving to a new house to implement more healthy circadian rhythms in my life. The less hunger and calm is huge for me.

-C.A,-Breastfeeding mother suffering from anxiety and persistent hunger

These results are fantastic and what I would expect to see around the 4 week mark.  But this is just the beginning.  We’ll see continued progress over the next 8 weeks as they settle in to their new lifestyle and their systems operate under the proper environmental conditions for longer.

So now it’s time to get you in on the action, but how?

Stop Leak Gut Round 2

Starting on March 11, 2019 we’re going to start rolling enrollment for the challenge with new participants.  This means you can start whenever you want, no need to wait for a challenge to start. While I know the Circadian Retraining Program is well worth the price of lifetime membership for $227, some of you simply want to do a challenge like this and don’t feel the need to take a 16 hour masterclass on circadian rhythms.

As such, this new Stop Leaky Gut Challenge won’t come with the Circadian Retraining Program.  Instead, this will be a standalone challenge that runs for 12 weeks for the ultra-low price of $107.

Click here to purchase the Stop leaky Gut Challenge

Confused?  Have no idea what a Stop Leaky Gut Challenge is?  Check out this audio below to get an idea of what the program is all about.