Amazing benefit of resistant starch discovered!!!

A new study unlocks a major benefit of resistant starch in the development of digestive tract cancers. Researchers looked at the benefits of resistant starch in individuals with Lynch Syndrome. Lynch Syndrome is a hereditary condition that increases the risk of cancers of the digestive tract. People with Lynch Syndrome have a defect in genes … Continue reading Amazing benefit of resistant starch discovered!!!

Diet and mental health: Can what you eat play a role?

Is there a relationship between your diet and mental health? It seems plausible that a person's diet can play an important role. Certainly there is a link between physical and mental health. There is good evidence that the 2 are linked. However, it's problematic determining if one causes the other or they are indirectly linked. … Continue reading Diet and mental health: Can what you eat play a role?

Mast cell activation syndrome treatment: Time’s on your side

Mast cell activation syndrome(MCAS) treatment normally centers around blocking histamine. You've likely heard of histamine as the release of histamine from mast cells causes allergic symptoms. Symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, cough, and things of that nature. Mast cells are cells of the immune system that help protect the body against foreign invaders. Activation … Continue reading Mast cell activation syndrome treatment: Time’s on your side

Does wearing sunglasses disrupt your circadian rhythm

Does wearing sunglasses disrupt your circadian rhythm? In today's video blog we answer that question using a real world example to help you understand if wearing sunglasses is bad for your circadian rhythm. Enjoy! (00:00) How does light regulate biological rhythms? (1:21) Benefits of wearing sunglasses (3:25) Benefits of light to the eye (5:05) … Continue reading Does wearing sunglasses disrupt your circadian rhythm