Why you need to fix circadian rhythms to prevent or reverse SIBO

Based on the way the research is heading on circadian rhythms and their impact on gut health, behavior is a completely neglected yet highly underrated therapeutic option for people addressing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth(SIBO).  Unfortunately, we're not going to be seeing any human clinical trials on the topic any time soon.  There's already a paucity … Continue reading Why you need to fix circadian rhythms to prevent or reverse SIBO

10 ways optimizing circadian rhythms can help fix the gut

The gut is under heavy circadian regulation, and circadian disruption can cause a number of problems when it comes to gut function.  Fortunately, many of these issues can be corrected through modifying your behavior. Whether you're talking about SIBO, IBS, IBD, gastroparesis, or any of the number of functional gut disorders out there, all can … Continue reading 10 ways optimizing circadian rhythms can help fix the gut

The fasting mimicking diet for IBD? Here’s what you need to know…

A study published last week showed that 4 days of a fasting mimicking diet(FMD) partially reversed inflammatory bowel disease-related pathology in mice.  Repeated cycles of the fasting mimicking diet decreased intestinal inflammatory and immune markers while increasing markers of tissue regeneration.  Of course this may pique the interest of people suffering from IBD, but it's … Continue reading The fasting mimicking diet for IBD? Here’s what you need to know…

The circadian rhythm of autophagy is altered with inflammation

Autophagy seems to be one of the more viral topics being bandied about on the interwebz these days.  There's actually good reason for this, particularly in health and longevity circles.  Autophagy is the process by which our cells take out their cellular garbage and it's very important for slowing down age-accumulated damage.  Well, to be … Continue reading The circadian rhythm of autophagy is altered with inflammation

It’s about time functional medicine treats the root cause of chronic disease!

Synopsis We all hear about how important treating "root causes" is for solving chronic health problems.  In fact, the reason conventional medicine is so bad at treating chronic disease is because it manages symptoms rather than treating "root causes".  But how we define "root causes" is very important, because the narrative in the functional medicine … Continue reading It’s about time functional medicine treats the root cause of chronic disease!