FODMAPs 101: What they are and why they are a problem

FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols. They are short chain carbohydrates that undergo rapid fermentation in the gut. They are a common cause of gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, gas/bloating, diarrhea, and even cause symptoms elsewhere in the body. This may be due to their ability to increase histamine in the … Continue reading FODMAPs 101: What they are and why they are a problem

Mast cell activation syndrome treatment: What’s the best diet?

Mast cell activation syndrome treatment currently centers around the use of anti-histamines and mast cell stabilizers. Mast cells are immune cells found in connective tissues in your body. Organs and tissues exposed to the external environment such as the gut have the highest density of mast cells. Activation of mast cells causes the release of … Continue reading Mast cell activation syndrome treatment: What’s the best diet?

Health benefits of polyphenols: A focus on the gut

There are many health benefits of polyphenols based on the research we have today. The literature points to several beneficial effects on common diseases such as: CancerNeurodegenerative diseaseCardiovascular diseaseType 2 diabetesObesity Data also supports the idea that polyphenols have a beneficial effect on gut health. Subsequently, the gut health benefits of polyphenols seem to center … Continue reading Health benefits of polyphenols: A focus on the gut

How to improve your gut microbiome: Eating for healthy gut bacteria

Would you like to improve your gut microbiome? The gut microbiome is a hot topic these days. If you follow the research, it's associated with a number of health benefits. We used to think that our body was mostly sterile. But we now know this to not be true. Furthermore, we understand that various parts … Continue reading How to improve your gut microbiome: Eating for healthy gut bacteria

Germ vs terrain theory: Which one causes infectious disease?

In the battle of germ vs terrain theory of infectious disease, who wins? This is the topic of today's video blog. Recent events have re-hashed a previously settled debate in the scientific community. But nothing has changed in the science community, nor should it. This debate is more a product of how social media has … Continue reading Germ vs terrain theory: Which one causes infectious disease?

Histamine intolerance: Gaining relief from a poorly understood disorder

Histamine intolerance(HIT) is a dietary intolerance that presents with symptoms similar to allergy. During allergic reactions, mast cells release inflammatory mediators, including histamine, that cause the classic symptoms of allergy. However, foods also contain histamine. As a result, when people with HIT ingest high amounts of histamine, they experience symptoms of allergy. But, it gets … Continue reading Histamine intolerance: Gaining relief from a poorly understood disorder